If your child has autism, schools that specialize in this condition can be extremely beneficial. The earlier this type of education begins, the more benefits your son or daughter will receive.
A Nurturing Environment
Autism schools in Malaysia are equipped to handle mental and social development issues associated with the condition. Teachers receive intensive training on how to work with students and help them with social interaction. In many cases, these children feel compelled to perform certain repetitive behaviours such as stacking items into towers or placing them in a straight line. Teachers know how to work with these behaviours and can help students organize their lives, in the same manner, they organize items such as toys.
Public education is based in large part on a student’s ability to interact with others. However, since most autistic children lack this ability, they can often feel lost and discouraged. Many autism centres in Malaysia are set up in a way that lessons are broken up to aid individual learning while also allowing children to remove themselves from a social setting before they become upset. In addition, children will not have to deal with the teasing and ridicule that is often associated with the traditional education model.
Playtime is another area where autism schools are substantially different from their traditional counterparts. These schools design assessments in a way to determine whether or not there are other developmental issues that need to be addressed. Their tests may be comprised of tasks such as arranging letters on a magnetic board or sorting blocks by colour. These differ significantly from public education tests that require students to take written examinations to prove they’ve absorbed knowledge mandated by state or federal requirements. These type of tests can be yet another source of frustration for children born with the condition.
Occupational Therapy Malaysia for Special Children.
Occupational therapy Malaysia is a medical process used to address the ability of a child to be able to perform daily activities such as eating, dressing, walking, bathing, drinking and toileting. The main objective of occupational therapy Malaysia is to increase the capacity of a child to be able to participate in the day to day activities through minimization of their disability impact by making modifications to the environment for the purpose of supporting the child’s participation. Occupational therapy Malaysia can be practised in different environments such as homes, hospitals, health centres, and schools.
For instance, the Occupational Therapy Centre in Malaysia examines the child’s ability, recommend and offer therapy, make modifications to the equipment and assist children to fully be involved in all activities and programs like others. An occupational therapist can operate with an individual child, group or with the help of a teacher.
Autism and Its Treatments
Because there are different types of Autism, there are different types of treatments. Treatments for Autism centre Malaysia mostly on therapies that attempt to revert behaviour. Your doctor will recommend the treatment that best suits your child. Some treatments may include:
- Behaviour and Communication Therapy. Within this therapy, there are different types of programs, depending on your child’s symptoms; some programs will focus on reducing problem behaviours and teaching new skills, hence yielding to self-help. Other programs will focus on teaching children how to communicate with others and how to act in society.
- Physical and Occupational Therapy Malaysia. This type of therapy can help your child develop stronger coordination and motor skills. This therapy may also help your child learn to process sensory information such as sight, touch, hearing, sound, and smell.
- Medications. Autism does not have specific medications that can cure the disability; rather there are medications for symptoms that are associated with Autism such as antidepressants, psychoactive medications to reduce hyperactivity and withdrawal, and anti-anxiety drugs to reduce panic disorders.
If you have a child who suffers from autism, know that you are not alone and reach out for support. There are many special needs schools in Kuala Lumpur that you can sign up for. Autism centre in Kuala Lumpur offers information about autism along with support. It also allows you to join support groups by connecting with others in your state. This also offers services such as early intervention, financial and legal resources, health services, and much more.